diumenge, 1 de novembre del 2015

Timberland. Proposta de millora de producte. Product improvement proposal.

Fa temps que faig servir botes que admeten ús per a muntanya. He fet servir diverses marques, i aquests dos ultims anys he estat gastant unes Timberland.

El resultat no ha estat bó. Al final de l'hivern de l'estiu passat ja s'havien desenganxat de la sola de la punta. Un sabater (Blinky Girona) va cosir la punta i la va impermeabilitzar molt professionalment.

Ara sembla que també tocarà cosir la part del darrere.
Això no és una bona cosa. Gent de Timberland, potser que feu les coses una mica millor.

I am very fond of outdoor boots. I've been using several brands, from cheap supermarket brands to some excellent brands.

I've been wearing for 2 winters these Timberlands. Not a good result. At the end of last year's winter, front sole was loose, the glue did not hold it in place. A local shoe repair shop (Blinky Girona) professionally sewed the sole and waterproof sealed the work. Very good job!.

Now it looks like the back of the sole is loose. Timberland, this is not good. Think about an improvement.