Fa algun temps ja em van demanar fer un cable de impressora DB25 serie per aquesta NITSUKO PB4500. Teniu l'article aquí: http://mmalagelada.blogspot.com/2016/02/nitsuko-pb4500-serial-printer-db25m-to.html Ara farem l'altre cable: el de programació des del PC |
Some time ago I was required to build a printer cable for the Nitsuko PB4500 having a DB25 serial printer. Here you are the article: http://mmalagelada.blogspot.com/2016/02/nitsuko-pb4500-serial-printer-db25m-to.html Now we need to build the programming cable |
PINOUT that I found in a cable from a customer and WORKS
RJ45 - (DB9F)
1 ---------------- 4 (DTR)
2 ---------------- 8 (CTS)
3 ---------------- 2 (RXD)
4 ---------------- 3 (TXD)
5 -------------- no connect
6 ---------------- 7 (RTS)
7 ---------------- 5 (GND)
8 ---------------- 6 (DSR)
PINOUT that I found in Internet and DOES NOT WORK for me:
RJ45 - (DB9F)
1 -------------- n/c
2 ---------------- 4
3 ---------------- 2
4 ---------------- 3
5 ---------------- 8
6 ---------------- 7
7 ---------------- 5
8 ---------------- 6
RJ45 - (DB9F)
1 -------------- n/c
2 ---------------- 4
3 ---------------- 2
4 ---------------- 3
5 ---------------- 8
6 ---------------- 7
7 ---------------- 5
8 ---------------- 6
He vist alguns fòrums que demanen descarregar el programa Nitsuko Builder i parla que només està disponible una versió holandesa a: http://members.fortunecity.com/kisbv/software.htm Aquest lloc fa temps que va tancar pero la mítica Internet Wayback Machine en fa fer una foto el 12 de Març de 2013, aquí està: | I've seen several people asking in forums where to get the Nitsuko Builder software. Some point for a dutch version to: http://members.fortunecity.com/kisbv/software.htm This site is shutdown, but the Internet Wayback Machine snapshotted it on Mar 12 2013. Here you are: |
Disk 1 Direct download: https://web.archive.org/web/20120318060615/http://members.fortunecity.com/kisbv/Download/Builder130199a.ZIP
Disk 2 Direct download: https://web.archive.org/web/20120318060615/http://members.fortunecity.com/kisbv/Download/Builder130199b.ZIP
Disk 1 (mirror): https://drive.google.com/open?id=128oIGi8T1Z9CdQsDKjuyjNdm2grxzpjV
Disk 2 (mirror): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JW_V3kyuX4g4twVA7Ltn33nvzaEoX4yX